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I think, “No”. Red WAS offside and is being directed to be played from a penalty area. Per rules 8.3.4 and 8.4.4, it cannot be an offside ball again until it is next played.
I think Red is NOT offside.
I agree with Cameron. Red not offside as blue has played its next shot and it is still in penalty area
I think the red is not offside as the opposition have not given a further direction and Blue has played its next shot . It therefore cannot give a new direction to send Red to penalty area C
Hmmm.... I think Red is not actually "off-side" but has remained in the Penalty area to which it was sent. If opponents wished to be sure Red would be inconvenient in this situation, they should have requested Red to go to Penalty Area C when Black ran Hoop 5.
What do others think???